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Dr. Abdul Hameed Defence Skin Clinic
Skin & Aesthetic Specialist
Dr. Abdul Hameed
26 Years Experience
Laser Hair Removal

Are you not happy with shaving, threading, waxing, tweezing to remove unwanted hair on any part of body (like face, legs, arms, under arms, bikini lines and other areas)?. Laser hair removal may be an option worth considering. A laser uses electrical energy in the form of light waves to heat up the hair bulb or root without damaging the surrounding structure. Laser should not be mixed with IPL (Intense Pulse Light). Laser treatment is superior to Shaving, Threading, Waxing, Bleaching & Electrolysis.


Hair removal / reduction can be done* with Fotona ND:YAG 1064 nm Laser unit. Laser destroyed the hair bulb or root of growing hair follicle. Patients’ needs multiple treatment (5-8) with interval of 6 weeks or more and number of treatment need to vary based on several variables including hair color, hair density, age and hormones.

IPL, though technically not containing a laser, are sometimes incorrectly referred to as "laser hair removal" always choose the best and FDA approved Laser and doctor for treatment.

It is a medical procedure that requires training to perform and carries potential risks. Before getting laser hair removal, you should thoroughly check the credentials of the doctor performing the procedure, choose the best machine and doctor with experience in performing procedure.

Dr. Abdul Hameed having latest FDA approved FOTONA ND:YAG laser unit with more than 26 years’ experience in dermatology, Cosmetology and Lasers.

(*) Disclamer : There is no guarantee of specific results. Results may vary from patient to patient based on age, sex, skin type and other factors.