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Dr. Abdul Hameed Defence Skin Clinic
Skin & Aesthetic Specialist
Dr. Abdul Hameed
25 Years Experience
Anti-Aging treatments

The following are the Anti-Aging treatments options
1. Botox
2. Fillers
3. Thread lifts
4. PRP (Platelet rich plsma)

Botox, Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Botulinum Toxin Type A (BOTOX) is also known as “magical drug” because it brings your age back. Basically Botulinum Toxin Type A (BOTOX) is used to remove wrinkles by causing temporary muscle weakness. It gives you very younger, beautiful and attractive look. It is FDA approved and used for facial wrinkles removal. Recently it is also used for treatment of excessive sweating of under arms, hands & feet as well.

Botox is used for treatment of dynamic wrinkles of face caused by contraction of underlying muscles every time you smile, laugh or frown. Injection is given in certain areas of face and it relaxes the muscles so they do not contract and allowing the overlying skin to remain smooth and unwrinkled.

Advantage of Botox is more youthful, pleasant appearance without significant downtime. It is an outdoor procedure and is performed without anaesthesia. Side effects are rare and would include mild bruising and temporary muscle weakness or drooping of eyelid or asymmetry of face, which may last for few weeks. However it is a safe drug when used by experienced, qualified and well trained person.

Dr. Abdul Hameed is a well-trained and qualified Dermatologist with more than 15 years experience of BOTOX treatment. He got his training from USA, Canada, Dubai. He has treated hundreds of patients with Botox for wrinkles and under arm, hand & feet sweating.

Fillers (Injectable facial filler)

Filler is a soft tissue injected into the skin to help fill in facial wrinkles, restoring a smoother appearance and give you younger look. Fillers work to improve the appearance of aging skin in the following ways:]

• Filling in wrinkles, fine lines and deep creases
• Improving other imperfections like scars
• Filling out thin or wrinkled lips
• Plumping up cheeks
• Contouring the jaw line and other areas of the face

The effect of fillers lasts for 6 month to 1 year, however it depends upon the type of skin, type of filler etc.

Fillers are injected without anesthesia, however the duration of procedure depends upon type of skin, presence of wrinkles etc.

Risks of an improperly performed dermal filler procedure commonly include bruising, redness, pain or itching. However these are safe when done by properly qualified and well trained Dermatologist. Less commonly, there may be infections or allergic reactions.

Thread lifts

The thread lift is an easy way to smooth wrinkles and tighten sagging skin without going under the knife. The procedure involves inserting threads into the skin, which are then pulled tight, lifting the skin and underlying muscle to create a tighter, smoother complexion.

As the threads dissolve naturally, the skin starts to produce more collagen and elastin, which gives a longer-lasting result. The threads are inserted without anesthesia and it g gives results with out producing scarring.

Thread lifts can be used to treat a number of different areas, from smoothing horizontal and vertical forehead wrinkles to lifting the brow and outer eyebrow area and restoring volume to sagging cheeks. They can also smooth lines around the mouth and tighten sagging skin under the lower jaw.

Best results are seen around six weeks after the procedure and depending on the type of threads used, results can last up to two years.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is prepared from your own blood, the process to prepare Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is approximately 60-75 minutes and another 25 minutes are added to inject in skin.

The prepare platelet concentration is approximately is 300-700% more than in blood. It is used as fillers to smooth the skin and remove wrinkles.

Dr Abdul Hameed is a well-trained and qualified Dermatologist with more than 25 years experience of BOTOX, FILLERS, THREAD LIFTS AND PRP treatment. He got his training from USA, Canada, Dubai. He has special interest in Cosmetology and treated hundreds of patients with Botox, Fillers, Thread Lifts and PRPP for wrinkles.